What are british values?
- Democracy.
- The rule of law.
- Individual liberty.
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
These values are not easily taught in isolation but must be a thread running through the whole of the Broom Cottages curriculum.
British Values At Broom Cottages
At Broom Cottages we aim to:
- Support children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Encourage children to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England.
- Encourage children to accept responsibility for their behaviour and to understand how they can contribute positively within school, the local community and society generally.
- Help children to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England.
- Further tolerance and respect between different cultural traditions and encourage respect for other people and encourage respect for democracy, and the law in England.
We will support and encourage the children to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.
What Is SMSC?
SMSC stands for Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education, which is essential for helping children develop as well-rounded, informed individuals. At Broom Cottages, we promote SMSC across the whole curriculum and also via school trips, fund raising and various events held across the school year.
The introduction of the new curriculum in 2014 enabled us to devise, after consultation with governors, staff and children, the most appropriate curriculum for our Broom Cottages children.
Within this specific curriculum we have embedded 4 ‘Drivers’ which we feel address areas for development in our children.
- Making the most of my skills for the future.
- My knowledge of the world.
- My contribution to the world around me.
- Look what I can do!
These ‘Drivers’ address areas to promote the development SMSC within Broom Cottages.
During assemblies there are frequent discussions of current events which impact on or are linked to our British Values. Children are encouraged to contribute ideas, ask questions and develop an understanding of the issues.
Promotion of British Values in Lessons And Events
We address both British Values and SMSC throughout the curriculum and in PSHE lessons.
Across the planned curriculum we have devised ‘DRIVERS’ chosen especially for our Broom Cottages children.
Across the school year we arrange events to support the understanding of British Values and SMSC. Here are some examples:
- Democracy, e.g. school council elections ensuring pupil voice, development of classroom rules, child questionnaires, contributing ideas for sanctions and rewards
- Anti-bullying, e.g. a dedicated week addressing the causes, implications and developing resilience. Anti-bullying Theatre Group performance.
- Phase and class assemblies on e.g. Festivals, Remembrance, Holocaust Day, E safety, Educate and Celebrate (LGBTQ)
- Christian themed worship and singing.
- Providing quiet reflection time during assemblies.
- Olympic Week, celebrating the different cultures, religions and customs of countries across the world.
- Opportunities to engage with different artistic styles and study artists, authors and musicians e.g. visits by authors and opera singers.
- Program of after school activities for all interests including sports, drama, cooking, keeping fit, literacy and numeracy intervention groups.
- Involvement with the Approach Too organisation to raise aspirations and awareness of opportunities in the local area.
- Provision of a boy friendly curriculum to engage boys in learning.
- Educational visits to places of worship, historical interest, scientific interest or of natural significance.
- Visits to university to raise aspirations.
- Opportunities to encourage girls into scientific careers.
- Regular visits to foreign countries and residential activity centres.
- Clearly understood system of sanctions with rewards and commendations for good behaviour and hard work.
- Fundraising for local, (Butterwick Hospice) national, (Children in Need/Red Nose Day/Macmillan Cancer Care)and international charities, (Farm Africa).
- The study of key British events and personalities in curriculum theme e.g. World wars, Influence of the Romans, Greeks, Vikings, Tudors. Fire and Plague of London, British inventors and engineers.
- Celebration of Festivals both British and those of the wider multi faith and multi cultural communities within Britain e.g. Chinese New Year.