Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
In our Early Years we listen carefully to our children's thought and ideas and follow their interests. These are some of the topics that we have covered. However we also have mini topics which are driven by the children's own ideas and these are developed as their interests arise.
If you have any questions or comments relating to the curriculum please contact Mr Shields, Headteacher.
For more information regarding our Nursery and Reception curriculum please select from the following:
The EYFS curriculum at Broom Cottages is designed to build on from our children’s early experiences, building strong foundations that will prepare children with the knowledge and skills for what comes next. We provide opportunities to be curious, explore, try new things, and experience awe and wonder through all seven areas of learning. Our children work with Early Years Practitioners who take the time to get to know each child and their family.
Over their time in the EYFS the children will be given the opportunity to:
- Develop a healthy lifestyle
Eat healthy snacks and regularly discuss the importance of healthy eating, bedtime routines, handwashing, cleaning teeth and taking regular exercise.
- Develop a love of reading:
Access inviting, stimulating reading areas, where books are changed regularly to reflect their interests.
Enjoy joining in engaging story time sessions.
Enjoy listening to the favourite five story books joining in with actions and repeated refrains.
Take home books to share with their family.
Join in with Special reading events such as National Nursery Rhyme, Storytelling Week and World Book Day.
Visit from author/storyteller.
- Develop their communication, language, and imagination:
Discover new vocabulary through stories, songs, rhymes, and classroom interactions.
Engage in role-play activities based on familiar or new experiences.
Visit Durham Gala theatre
Visit Ferryhill library.
- Develop a deep understanding of number:
Work and play in a numeracy rich environment.
Develop a deep understanding of number through child initiated and teacher led activities following the White Rose Maths.
- Work outdoors to experience the Natural World and learn to care for our environment:
Discover the natural world, experience the changing seasons and weather working in the school garden and woodland. Discover minibeasts in their natural habitats.
Grow and care for their plants and herbs.
- Develop physical skills:
Work outdoors, engaging in energetic, adventurous play.
Develop gross and fine motor skills in play.
Take part in planned ‘Move it with Max’ PE sessions.
Attend ‘Move it with Max’ PE events.
- Find out about their local community and the greater world:
Take part in community walks around Ferryhill.
Take part in school trips to shops, farms, and the local library.
Talk to visitors from local organisations such as the Jet and Ben the police dogs, paramedics, firefighters, school nurse and the school crossing patrol.
Enjoy celebrating festivals and cultural events like Chinese New Year and Diwali.
Build community links with the local care homes.
- Develop creativity through music and the arts:
Sing a range of familiar songs and Nursery Rhymes.
Listen to music from around the world.
Perform for an audience.
Develop and experiment with their own ideas creating on both a large and small-scale working with different materials, tools, and techniques.
Use the school woodlands, artefacts, and real-life objects to create art from own first-hand experiences.
Look at the work of famous artists.
We will continually reflect on what we offer our young children to ensure that we remain focused in our ambition to give children the essential knowledge, skills, and experiences to discover the world around them and to open doors into worlds they didn't know exist.