Behaviour Management
We have a clear well established code of behaviour at Broom Cottages and every child is expected to conform to our high standards. We ensure every child, from a very early age, understands what is acceptable and unacceptable in our school community. This clear approach means we have very few incidents of poor or unacceptable behaviour which ensures a safe, supportive and nurturing school community.
We would always contact parents/carers if we felt children were in danger of compromising their own safety or the safety of others. We believe discussion and a restorative approach is the best way of adhering to our 'Good to be Green' Behaviour Policy.
On the very rare occasion that pupils present with repeatedly challenging behaviours, we would initiate a meeting with parents/carers.
Our policy is to work closely with parents/carers to support families in times of difficulty. We also have access to other agencies which may be able to offer support and advice.
Poor Behaviour
We have few incidents of poor behaviour and even fewer serious incidents.
Our behaviour co-ordinator and all staff actively promote excellent behaviour at all times.
Rules, rewards and sanctions are very clear and explained to the children from their entry to nursery or school.
All staff use the same phrases of ‘acceptable’ and ‘unacceptable behaviour’.
Children are warned if poor behaviour occurs and are given the opportunity to behave in an acceptable manner.
If this does not happen, and the child continues to misbehave, then ‘thinking time’ may be given.
Depending on the age and development level of the child, they will spend a few minutes or a playtime sitting quietly considering what has occurred.
Children may be asked to apologise for an action or write a letter of apology.
We take all reports of bullying in any form very seriously. Each incident is investigated thoroughly and action is taken. Parents/carers are contacted if it is appropriate.
If poor behaviour continues and sanctions found to be ineffective, then parents are contacted and invited into school to discuss issues.
In some instances, we will investigate incidents that occur outside school that are reported to us. Sanctions in these cases will be decided by the head teacher on an individual basis.
Where appropriate, a ‘home/school’ book may be introduced and completed by teachers and parents on a daily basis in an effort to modify behaviour.
If poor behaviour is a result of ‘external’ factors eg problems at home or with family members, then parents can be invited to work alongside our behaviour co-ordinator in an effort to support children and families.
Children are supported through counselling by school staff and educational psychologists employed by school.
Good Behaviour
The vast majority of our children are polite, hard working and well behaved.
We are able to reward most children for the many caring and responsible things they do each day.
Class Dojo points are awarded to children for behaving well, working hard and attending school every day.
Every week a child is chosen to be the ‘Pupil of the Week’ in their class. They are congratulated by the whole school and names recorded on our newsletter.
Teachers contact parents to report any particularly good work or improvements in behaviour and attitude.
Children are sent to the Senior Leadership Team on a daily basis with good work and rewarded with stickers.
We hold an end of year Celebration Assembly when children are presented with medals, cups and excellent attendance certificates.
We are proud that our children are often complimented on their good manners and good behaviour in and out of school.