Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School

Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School

Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School, Broom Road, Ferryhill, County Durham, DL17 8AN

01740 651 363

2019 - 2020

Sports Information 2019 - 2020










At Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School the children attend swimming lessons from Year 1 at our onsite pool.  The lessons are planned in order for all children to reach the following end of Key Stage 2 Swimming Curriculum expectations:


Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres using 2 recognised strokes.


Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.


As part of the Sport Premium reporting requirements, we must report the number of children at Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School who met the swimming expectations at the end of the academic year.








P.E. Yearly Planner

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