Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School

Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School

Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School, Broom Road, Ferryhill, County Durham, DL17 8AN

01740 651 363

Sports Coaching Information 2014 - 2015

Sports Coaching Information 2014 - 2015





As part of the Enhanced SLA children in each KS1 and KS2 class will be receiving 10 weeks of sport coaching.


Starting Monday 15th September for 10 weeks

Gymnastics Coaching

Coach: Samantha Robson



3/4 H - Mrs Hicks

3/4 G - Miss Gidley

6M - Mrs Mutchell



Starting Monday 5th January for 10 weeks

Gymnastics Coaching

Coach: to be confirmed



1/2G - Mr Graham

1H - Miss Hardy

2S - Mrs Simpson



Starting Monday 13th April for 10 weeks

Dance Coaching

Coach: Susan Kenney



3/4T - Miss Turnbull

5S - Mr Shields

6C/K - Mrs Chilvers/Mrs. Kean




P.E. Coaching 

As part of the SLA we have been allocated the following coaching sessions from Sedgefield School Sports Partnership.



Gymnastics coaching for after school club during Fit for Fun.


24th November – Basketball taster session for Year 5/6.


24th March – Taekwondo taster session for Year 3/4.

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