SEND Transition
We plan carefully for all stages of transition both within school – year to year and as pupils progress from Key Stages. We have systems in place to ensure that transitions are smooth and effective for all pupils. We tailor to the individual needs of children.
How we support children/young people with senD starting at our school
Early Years Staff make visits to all feeder Nurseries to meet the children who will be starting our school. They spend time with the children, observing them in a familiar environment and talking to their key workers. Following this, parents are invited to visit school for an induction meeting. Parents will be invited to meet the staff and share any concerns they have. We also have a series of visit days. These are timetabled so that children can have an experience of the school day including lunch. For children with SEND, we have further visits, where the children can meet key staff and we would provide a transition booklet for them to review at home. Additional visits to the Nursery to meet with the Head/SENDCO would also be arranged. We now have an introductory demonstration Read Write Inc. session to help parents prepare their children for school.
How we support children/young people with sen moving between classes in our school
At Broom Cottages staff work closely within each milestone so children become familiar with each staff team. Every year we have 3 ‘Move up mornings’ where children spend time in their new classroom, meeting their new teacher, and learning about the next year. Staff have meetings each year to share information. For those children who require provision that is additional to or different from quality first teaching we make additional arrangements to support these children through the transition. This can include spending additional time in their new classroom, visiting their new classroom with their current member of support staff, beginning transition arrangements earlier in the Summer Term. The support provided is tailored to the needs of individual children and will be discussed with parents and carers and the child. Children with SEND within the school may be given a ‘transition booklet/pamphlet’ as they move from phase to phase to help them feel secure about school.
How we support children/young people with senD leaving our school
We work with dedicated staff from local Secondary Schools who visit our school and liaise with staff to ensure that information about individual children can be shared and provision made. This member of staff usually spends time during the summer term with the children in year 6 who will be transitioning to their school.
Time is given over explicitly for transition workers to spend time with children and for information to be shared concerning their SEND. Extra visits are usually arranged for the children.
SEND Information Report
- Our SEND Provision
- The kinds of SEND that are provided for:
- Our approach to teaching children and young people with SEND
- How we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children and young people with SEND
- How we identify, assess and review children with special educational needs
- How children with SEND engage in all activities?
- How we evaluate the effectiveness of SEND Provision
- Support for Emotional and Social Development
- Looked After Children with SEND