Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School

Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School

Broom Cottages Primary and Nursery School, Broom Road, Ferryhill, County Durham, DL17 8AN

01740 651 363

Consulting with our SEND Pupils, Parents & Carers

Consulting with senD pupils, parents and carers


Consultation with children and young people with send

Teachers/SENDCO and Support Staff will work with children and young people to identify the support needed to meet agreed outcomes.  The provision is planned and interventions are allocated to individual needs.



Consultation with parents and carers of children and young people with SEND

We are committed to working with parents and carers to identify their child’s needs and support.  Parents and carers will be involved throughout the process.

There is a range of ways this can be done, for example:

  • Termly parents/ carers evenings;
  • Ongoing discussions with a class teacher and/or SENDCO;
  • An ‘open-door’ policy, where parents and carers are welcome to come into school to discuss any concerns they may have;
  • Through regular reviews of their child’s SEND Support Plan/ EHC Plan.



Consultation With Children and young people with SEND

As part of our transition arrangements, we consult all children about the teaching strategies and support mechanisms that we have used throughout the year.  We engage children with SEND to listen to their views as part of the review cycle.



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